Sunday, January 24, 2021

Syllabus for POR 481: Capstone Seminar in Portuguese


POR 481 – Spring 2021

Capstone Seminar in Portuguese



POR 481 – Spring 2021

Capstone Seminar in Portuguese: Revolutionary Art & Music



Prof. Dário Borim Jr                                   


Office Hours: Tue 11:00 AM-1:00 PM & Fri 1:00-3:00 PM

Class Meetings on Zoom: Mondays 2:00-4:30 PM

Web site: Textos e Tarefas do Borim


Course description

This course will explore the links and dynamics between art and ideology, especially those relating popular music poetry to authoritarianism in politics and society. Readings and audiovisual material viewings will initially focus on representations and interpretations of the cinematic, literary, musical, theatrical and other multimedia products that create, expand, explain or suggest sociopolitical commentaries and activism regarding Brazil’s cultural movement known as Tropicália, or Tropicalismo. Later, we will also explore such interconnections in Portugal and Portuguese-speaking Africa in the same historical period, that is, in the middle of the 20th century. In addition, this capstone seminar aims to serve as a bridge to life after graduation and beyond the campus. With this in mind, we will undertake a project that will run parallel to our readings and discussions: dialoguing with the representation of Lusophone cultures on YouTube (both Portuguese and English versions). Participants in the seminar will find posts and/or create new ones drawing on the entirety of their coursework as Portuguese major (not limited to readings and topics discussed in the capstone).


General capstone seminar learning outcomes

Upon completion of this seminar, students will:

1.                  demonstrate advanced proficiency in Portuguese in all four skills by reading and understanding complex texts; communicating effectively in class discussions and individual oral presentations; and completing multi-paragraph written assignments;

2.                  apply knowledge of cultural realities and practices from the Portuguese-speaking world gained in earlier coursework to understand and interpret literary and/or cultural and/or linguistic readings and/or visual materials included in the capstone.

3.                  demonstrate command of analytic and critical-thinking skills by selecting, assessing and relating information and insights drawn from multiple sources (including but not limited to the reading and/or viewing assignments in the capstone) and integrating the results in an individual research project.


University Studies Cluster 5A Objectives

This seminar will give students the opportunity to integrate their learning and produce an original expression of knowledge or understanding. Students will also demonstrate mastery of both written and oral communication.

Upon completion of the capstone study, students will be able to:

1.                        Synthesize the knowledge and skills gained within major courses, independently complete a research-based project or creative work and integrate the results of both in an open-ended project or experience (projects within the major are encouraged).

2.                        Identify the value of a liberal arts education and the importance of the major field of study, a general education curriculum, and the relationship between them.

3.                        Demonstrate advanced information literacy skills by selecting, evaluating, integrating and documenting information gathered from multiple sources into discipline-specific writing.

4.                        Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, the results of the project or experience.


Assignments and Grading

Oral participation: 20%                               Weekly reports: 20%

Oral presentations: 30%                             Final paper: 30%


NB: First draft of the course paper is due April 26. Final version of the paper is due May 3, 6:00 PM. Papers must have:

·       MLA style documentation

·       10-12 double-spaced pages typed on font 12

·       lists of works cited (rather than bibliography) must include at least five secondary sources



Weekly Topics


JAN 25


·       José Henrique Fonseca and Walter Salles Jr’s Caetano (Parte II, “Eu queria guitarras elétricas”):



Historical synthesis (Part 1/2)

·       Getúlio Mac Cord’s Tropicália: Um caldeirão cultural pp. 3-74.



Historical synthesis (Part 2/2)

·       Getúlio Mac Cord’s Tropicália: Um caldeirão cultural pp. 75-121.


FEB 15

Manifestos and testimonials

·       Oswald de Andrade’s Manifesto antropófago (1928):

·       “Regina Boni” [Depoimento]:

·       “Chico Buarque” [Depoimento]:

·       Gal Costa’s “O divino maravilhoso” (2005):


FEB 22

More manifestos and testimonials

·       Gilberto Gil’s “Recuso + Aceito = Receito” (19/ago/1970)

·       Torquato Neto’s “Tropicalismo para principiantes” (1968):

·       Glauber Rocha’s “Tropicalismo, antropofagia, mito, ideograma” (1981):

·       Hélio Oiticica’s “A trama da terra que treme” (1968):



Theater and other visual and performing arts (Part 1)

·       Oswald de Andrade’s O rei da vela (PDF)

·       Sábato Magaldi’s “O país desmacarado.” Andrade 7-16. (PDF)

·       Haroldo de Campos’s “Uma leitura do teatro de Oswald.” Andrade 17-30.

·       José Celso Martinez Correa about Oswald de Andrade’s O rei da vela (1933): Manifesto Oficina (Aug/5/1968):

·       “José Celso Martinez Corrêa” in Getúlio Mac Cord’s Tropicália: Um caldeirão cultural (pp. 197-224)

·       Oswald de Andrade’s O rei da vela (1933): (Salvador, Univ. da Bahia, Salvador, 2016) (Rio de Janeiro, Cia dos Atores, 2000)





MAR 15

Theater and other visual and performing arts (Part 2)

·       Chico Buarque’s Roda viva (1968): (Santos, Sesc, Teatro Oficina Uzyna Uzona, Aug/2012)

·       III Festival de Música Popular Brasileira da TV Record (1967):


MAR 22

Discuss Rita Lee’s Rita Lee: Uma autobiografia (pp. 1-126)


MAR 29

Discuss Rita Lee’s Rita Lee: Uma autobiografia (127-269)



Students’ first presentations on Tropicalist legacies:

1)      Caetano Veloso                2) Gilberto Gil

3)      Os Mutantes                     4) Tom Zé and Others


APR 12

Revolutionary music and culture in Portugal







Revolutionary music and culture in Lusophone Africa


APR 28

Overview of diversity in Lusophone music and culture



2nd individual presentations



Final papers due



Multimedia Resources:


Albin, Ricardo Cravo. O livro de ouro da MPB. Rio de Janeiro: Ediouro, 2003.

Andrade, Oswald de. O rei da vela. Rio de Janeiro: Globo, 1990.

Avelar, Idelber and Christopher Dunn, eds. Brazilian Popular Music and Citizenship. Durham and London: Duke UP, 2011.

Bahiana, Ana Maria. Nada será como antes: MPB nos anos 70 – 30 anos depois. Rio de Janeiro: Senac Rio, 2006.

Barros, Patrícia Marcondes de. “Panis et Circenses”: A ideia de nacionalidade no Movimento Tropicalista. Londrina, PR: UEL: 2000.

Basualdo, Carlos, ed. Tropicália: Uma revolução na cultura brasileira. São Paulo: Cosac Naif, 2007.

Borim, Dário. "Black Tropicalist in Power: From the Margins of Counterculture to the Stage of Change." Lusotopie 20, 04 (2004): 181-189.

______. "Light and Obscurity in Tropical Truth." Cape Verde: Language, Literature & Music. Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies 8 (Sept 2002): 463-470.

______. "Morte e vida Tropicália: o ideário sócio-político na obra de Caetano Veloso. Hispania 85, 3 (Sept 2002): 494-504.

______. “Roçando a língua de Camões: Reverência e dessacralização do idioma português em Caetano Veloso.” Luso-Brazilian Review 41, 2: 126-143.

______. "Tropicalist Mutantes: Dada and Kitsch Under Dictatorship." Music and Dictatorship in Europe and Latin America. Illiano and Massimiliano Sala 521-548.

______. "Unpredictable Coherence: Caetano Veloso Beyond ‘Ethnic' and Easy-Listening Tunes." Facts and Fictions in António Lobo Antunes. Ed. Victor Mendes. Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies 19/20 (2011): 527-535.

Branco, Edwar de Alencar Castelo. Todos os dias de Paupéria: Torquato Neto e a invenção da Tropicália. São Paulo: Annablume, 2005.

Butterman, Steven F. “Ney é gay, não é?: The Emergence and Performance of Queer Identities in Brazilian Popular Music (MPB) Under Dictatorship.” Illiano and Sala 549-572.

Caldas, Waldemar. A cultura político-musical brasileira. São Paulo: Musa, 2005.

Callado, Carlos. A divina comédia dos Mutantes. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2006.

_______. Tropicália: A história de uma revolução musical. São Paulo: Editora 34, 1997.

Campos, Haroldo de. “Uma leitura do teatro de Oswald.” Andrade 17-30.

Castro, Ruy. Chega de saudade: A história e as histórias da bossa nova. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras 1990.

Campos, Augusto de. Balanço da bossa e outras bossas. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1993.

Discos do Brasil.

Duarte, Pedro. Tropicália ou panis et circencis. O Livro do Disco. Rio de Janeiro: Cobogó, 2020.

Dunn, Christopher. Brutalidade jardim: A Tropicália e o surgimento da contracultura brasileira. São Paulo: UNESP, 2009.

Dunn, Christopher. Contracultura: Alternative Arts and Social Transformation in Authoritarian Brazil. Chapel Hill, NC: U. of North Carolina P., 2016.

______. “From Mr. Citizen to Defective Android: Tom Zé and Citizenship in Brazil.” Avelar and Dunn: 74-95.

Duprat, Régis and Maria Alice Volpe. “Vanguardas e posturas de esquerda na música brasileira (1920 a 1970). Illiano and Sala 573-612.

Favaretto, Celso. Tropicália – alegoria, alegria. São Paulo: Ateliê, 1996.

Fonteles, Bené. Giluminoso: A po.ética do ser. Brasília/São Paulo: Universidade de Brasília/SESC: 1999.

Illiano, Roberto and Massimiliano Sala, eds. Music and Dictatorship in Europe and Latin America. Speculum Musicae Series. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2010.

Lee, Rita. Rita Lee: uma autobiografia. São Paulo: Globo, 2016.

Mac Cord. Tropicália: Um caldeirão cultural. Rio de Janeiro: Ferreira, 2011.

McGowan, Chris and Ricardo Pessanha. The Brazilian Sound: Samba, Bossa Nova, and the Poupular Music of Brazil. Rev. and expanded ed. Philadelphia, PA: Temple UP, 2009.

Maciel, Luiz Carlos. Geração em transe: Memórias do tempo do tropicalismo. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1996.

Magaldi, Sábato. “O país desmascarado.” Andrade 7-16.

Martins,J. B.  Antropologia da música brasileira. Sào Paulo: Obelisco, 1978.

Mello, Zuza Homem de. A era dos festivais: Uma parabola. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2008.

Moby, Alberto. Sinal fechado: A música popular brasileira sob censura. Rio de Janeiro: Obra Aberta, 1994.

Motta, Nelson. 101 canções que tocaram o Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: Estação Brasil, 2016.

______. Noites tropicais: Solos, improvisos e memórias musicais. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2000.

Napolitano, Marcos. “A música popular brasileira (MPB) nos anos de chumbo do regime militar” (1969-1975). Illiano and Sala 641-670.

Naves, Santuza Cambraia et al, eds. A MPB em discussão: entrevistas. Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 2006.

Oliveira, Ana. Gilberto Gil - encontros. Rio de Janeiro: Beco do Azougue, 2008.

______. Tropicália.

Oliveira, Leonardo Davino de. Canção: A música híbrida de Caetano Veloso. Rio de Janeiro: Ibis Libris, 2012.

Perrone, Charles A. Letras e letras da MPB. Rio de Janeiro: Booklink, 2008.

______. Masters of Contemporary Brazilian Song. 1989. Austin, TX: U of Texas P, 1993.

______. “Scions of Tropicalia: Of Signs, Soundings, Song and Science.” Brazil, Lyric, and the Americas. Gainesville, FL: UP of Florida, 2010. 164-178.

Rocha, Glauber. Revolução do Cinema Novo. Rio de Janeiro: Alhambra, 1981.

Santos, Lidia. Tropical Kitsch: Mass Media in Latin American Art and Literature. Trans. Elisabeth Enenbach. Madrid: Iberoamericana, 2006.

Severiano, Jairo. Uma história da música popular brasileira: das origens à modernidade. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2009.

Severiano, Jairo and Zuza Homem de Mello. A canção no tempo: 85 anos de músicas brasileiras, Vol. 1: 1901-1957. São Paulo: Editora 34, 1998.

______. A canção no tempo: 85 anos de músicas brasileiras, Vol. 2: 1958-1985. São Paulo: Editora 34, 1998.

Squeff, Enio and José Miguel Wisnik. Música: O nacional e o popular na cultura brasileira. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 2004.

Tinhorão, José Ramos. História social da música popular brasileira. São Paulo: Editora 34, 1999.

______. Música popular: Um tema em debate. Rev. and expanded. São Paulo: Editora 34, 1997.

Veloso, Caetano. Sobre as letras. Ed. Eucanaã Ferraz. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2003.

______. Letra só. Eucanaã Ferraz, ed. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2003.

______. Verdade tropical. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1997.

Wisnik, José Miguel. Caetano Veloso. Folha Explica. São Paulo: Publifolha, 2005.

______. Sem receita. São Paulo: Publifolha, 2004.

Syllabus for POR 481: Capstone Seminar in Portuguese

  POR 481 – Spring 2021 Capstone Seminar in Portuguese     POR 481 – Spring 2021 Capstone Seminar in Portuguese: Revolutionary Art...